Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Double page spread sheet layout for my magazine

I have created two drafts of my double page spread sheets, to get an idea of which one people would prefer in the questionnaire I will be doing. On the first draft I have used a simple, plain background where are on the second one I have used a dark background and used different design e.i. Venn diagram, in a more complex way. Also on the first draft I have the masthead mainly on one side of the page in big and image on the next. However on the second draft I have my masthead spread on both pages on the top, 

Images before and after editing

In both of these image, one that I will be using for my front page, I have layered the main image on a different background using Photoshop, on to a more professional  plain white background and have played with the contrast meaning that I did adjustments such as making the contrast levels lower then it should be so the colours really stuck out. Also I have increased  the brightness levels because I think it makes the image clear.

Friday, 21 November 2014

Overall summary so far

For both of my front page and content page I have used the same colour scheme: red, white and black. It also has the "line" theme where you have a line going through The page on most of my draft, as shown on the right, which is an common feature in these three draft pages and this has been repeated on my first front page draft.  

Thursday, 20 November 2014

Content page layouts for my magazine

I have designed two content pages to see which one is the most suitable one for my genre. You can see that the colours again match with the colours used in my front page and both drafts have the same colour background, black, which points out that it has a heavy role in the magazine because everything that is included in this magazine is written on this one sided page, where there is a lot of information in one word or two summary. They are both different because on my first draft I have made a section on "The top 10 hits of the week" where I will be listing the top 10 hits of this week in order with 4 main feature images on the content page. I have also included the magazines name on the side of the magazine, top left corner, then followed it by the heading of the page "contents". On the other hand for my second draft I have made a section for a editors letter which will allow me to set the tone of my magazine along with a image of the editor so people are know who is talking to them. Next to the editor letter I have in red underlines the headings which will make it clearer and lastly decided to use 3 images all the same size. 

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Front page layouts for my magazine.

I have designed two different front pages for my own magazine. The reason why I have designed two different front covers because I can now see which one looks better and which one is most suits my genre. In my first draft you can see that i have used the colour scheme of black, white and red mainly focusing on black and red. Where as on my second draft the colour scheme is the same but this time focuses on more of the black and white colours. In my opinion I prefer my second front page draft because it is more plain and not to in your face or eye tiring however my first draft has too much going on at the front which can confuse people about what is included. 
I have chosen this colour scheme because I think that the colours red, black and white are colours that complete each other. There are three colours that goes well together and brings strong contrast.